Saturday provided us with glorious sun and temperatures up to 30c for our first ever site BBQ.

Located in the middle of the country, Dynotorque and GarageREG provided the perfect venue for the event. Not only were they fantastic hosts but they also allowed everyone to see what they get up to.
As you can see from the above images they get up to a lot! From drift cars, drag cars, track cars and show cars, Craig and Colum work on them all. If you’re not familiar with their work you should defiantly check out the driftworks youtube channel where they can often be seen working on one of Phil’s crazy projects (pictured above with his stunning RWB Porsche Turbo).
Moving on to the FD’s, we had an amazing turn out of FD’s from all over the country. If you wanted to see a verity of RX7 in one location then this was the only place to be.
From OEM to full body kitted 7’s, there was something for everyone. One thing that was clear to see was all in attendance had a strong passion for RX7’s, some of these cars look as good as the day they rolled out of the factory 20+ years ago.
Not one to turn away the classics we also had the privilege of having some of the older variants of the 7 in attendance. These cars are real head turners among today’s modern cars.
A big thanks to AIB’s site contributions who’s continued partnership funded all food and drink, also thanks to everyone who came out and enjoyed the cars, sun & food, these events would be nothing with out you.
Last but not least, thanks again to Craig and Colum for hosting us and a special thanks to Joe who did a stellar job of manning the BBQ for most of the day. More pictures will be posted on the FD_Owners_Club instagram over time, we hope to see you at the next one!