Event recap

Blyton Park Rotary Exclusive Track Day – 7s Day 2019

On 5th July 2019, FDOC hosted an exclusive rotary track day sponsored by Magnitude Events bringing the UK RX-7 and UK RX-8 (RX8OC) owners clubs together to celebrate 7s Day. The event sold out with 24 RX-7s and RX-8s participating in the event plus several other members that just turned up in their cars to park up and socialise. It was a lovely 28 degree day, the event was relatively laid back, and Magnitude Events was kind enough to provide breakfast, lunch, drinks and snacks all day.

Participants included track veterans and newcomers that had never hustled their cars around a circuit before. The Club Format (Max of 6 cars on track at one time) was welcomed because it ensured you could get several clean laps in with minimal traffic and as a result focus on improving your technique in each corner.

Feedback from the event was very positive and we hope that members who participated from both clubs, FDOC and RX8OC, pass along the good word so that we can do an event like this again in 2020.

FDOC purchased 65 photos from photographer #soulfokus (instagram), some of which we have provided here for free to members with a watermark. We are happy to share all 65 high resolution photos watermark-free with members that offer a donation to the site as the funds go a long way towards improving the functionality and storage limits of this website and allows us to create products for members and put on more events such as track days, dyno days, barbecues, car show club stands, etc.

All photos in this article, plus an additional 40 images will be provided in full resolution and watermark free to anyone who donates to the photo campaign. As always we thank everyone who attended and made this event possible. #soulfokus has an additional 100 photos available to purchase directly from him should members want additional photos of their car for personal use.

  • S
  • August 18, 2019
Top work from all the guys in attendance that day, it was a treat to shoot bits of the event, and also hanging out with some of you was a pleasure. See you all at the next one! (y)

As it happens, I have also published a post on my site , so if you want to check that out, please do!

soulfokus, greatly appreciated for the amazing photos.

To other members, please have a look at the photos in the site's article and soulfokus' article noting that the club has purchased 65 photos which we are happy to send you in full resolution for a kind donation to the club to cover expenses.
Great update from both @cib24 and @soulfokus_kireto great day out and hopefully the first of many!
What are the other pictures? I've also just donated.

I guess we could use some for the calendar?
What are the other pictures? I've also just donated.

I guess we could use some for the calendar?

@Matt will get in touch. Thanks for the donation.
@Matt will get in touch. Thanks for the donation.
He already has ?